Christmas, New Years and the summer school holidays give us a beautiful opportunity to rest, relax, have fun, enjoy times of human connection and maybe even a few little indulgences we may otherwise be more cautious about.

Life, however, doesn’t pause for the holidays! Little accidents, mishaps and overindulgences still find a way into our lives regardless of our best intentions to relax and take it easy. If we’re travelling, camping or adventuring we may also be more vulnerable to such mishaps – from insect bites and travel sickness to sunburn and hangovers!

Homeopathic medicines can offer a fantastic holistic approach to managing these ups and downs to get you and your family springing back to enjoying summertime fun!

Homeopathic medicine aims to stimulate the body’s own innate Vital force – it’s own inner wisdom – to direct that life energy into self-healing. We do this in homeopathy by using very dilute substances – made from the plant, mineral and animal kingdoms – which have been prepared in a very specific way, to stimulate this inner life force energy.

This stimulation happens because homeopathic medicines are selected in accordance to the law of similars. This means that a medicine is given which contains the potential to produce the same symptoms the body-mind is currently experiencing.

For example, someone feeling restless, with a constant stream of thoughts which prevents them from sleeping may benefit from the remedy, Coffea cruda, made from unroasted coffee beans. Someone with an allergic, itchy rash on the skin may benefit from Urtica urens, made from stinging nettle.
In this way we are truly working with the innate intelligence of the body, and what the body is trying to do by producing those particular symptoms in the first place.

Let’s have a look at some of the homeopathic medicines you might like to have on hand these holidays. Keep in mind to always follow standard first-aid protocols – the homeopathic medicines aim to reduce pain, inflammation, and discomfort, and promote a quicker recovery.

*Seek medical advice when necessary*

Nux vomica, headache and nausea after over-indulging in alcoholic drinks. A few drops or pillules can be put in a drink bottle to carefully sip on before bed and throughout the following morning. Dizziness and vertigo from too much alcohol.

Apis mellifica, made from honey bee, is a great remedy to have on hand for bites and stings which are burning, stinging, red, swollen, intensely itchy and painful. Particularly if there is lots of heat, and the sting is better for cold applications, and worse for warmth. Particularly good for bee and wasp stings
Ledum, can really help with the itch made by mosquito bites and midges. For any bite or sting which is purple in colour and cold swellings. Despite the area being cold, it may feel better from cold packs and worse from warmth.

Urtica urens, burning, stinging, prickling pains, sharp pains, worse for warmth and scratching. Red, raised rash.

Ledum, when the stung area is cold with minimal swelling, and better for cold applications.

Hypericum, stings with nerve pain that are worse for being touched. Sharp, shooting, burning pains.

Arnica, difficulty sleeping owing to being over-tired, restless and uncomfortable. Achy and stiff after travelling. Feeling a sense of shock and disorientation when traversing time zones

Gelsemium, weakness, drowsiness, physical and mental exhaustion after travel. Shaky feelings.

Cocculus indica, weakness, exhaustion and dizziness from motion.

Cocculus indica, first sign of feeling ill or unwell whilst travelling. Nausea, vomiting and/ or dizziness when travelling by car, boat, train, plane etc. The thought or sight of other objects in motion may also trigger nausea.

Nux vomica, nausea where the person feels better after vomiting. The person may feel very irritable with the nausea, and feel better in open air.

Over-excited, sleepless kids on Christmas Eve.

Coffea cruda, Sleeplessness due to over excitement and happy anticipation.

Cantharis, a good first remedy for any scalds and burns, including sunburn, particularly for the feeling of continued sting as soon as the cold pack or cool running water is removed.

Causticum, for when more severe, painful burns start to blister.

Glonoine, for intense bursting headaches after sun exposure, with a flushed face and sweating.

Belladonna, sunstroke with hot, red, dry skin and face, throbbing headache and thirstlessness – no desire for liquids. Photophobia.

Nat-carb, mental and physical exhaustion after sun exposure, with a headache which worsens in the sun and photophobia. Long-lasting effects of sun stroke.

Nux vomica, nausea and vomiting where the person feels better after vomiting. Constipation with colicky pains, wind, and “trapped” wind which cannot pass. Diarrhoea. Worse for too much rich foods.

Arsenicum album, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea which are burning, though the person feels cold. There is weakness, though the person may also feel anxious and restless too. Watery stool, pale face and burning pains.

Podophyllum, watery, “explosive” (stools pass with a lot of wind), offensive stools. Sensation of weakness in the rectum.

When using homeopathic medicines in an acute or first aid manner, take 2 to 3 pillules (do not touch the pillules) under the tongue and let them dissolve. This dose can be repeated every 20minutes for up to 4 doses.

After these first 4 doses, wait and watch. Repeat the homeopathic medicine only when improvement starts to slow down. If there is no improvement, stop and try another remedy.

If symptoms worsen in any way, stop taking the homeopathic medicine and wait. Often improvement will follow an aggravation.

It is important to remember that whilst the homeopathic medicines listed above are commonly useful for the circumstances described, the efficacy of homeopathy depends upon how similar each medicine is to the symptoms a person is experiencing.

Each homeopathic medicine is a vast symphony of information and symptoms. If you need help in choosing the right homeopathic medicine for you under your unique circumstances, please reach out for an acute consultation. Homeopathic medicines may sometimes be found in well-stocked health food shops if there is one in your travel destination.

Carli currently practices at Ranges Integrative Health on Fridays. Bookings can be made by contacting Carli directly via the details on her page.