Registered Osteopath; B.Sc.(Clin.Sc.); M.H.Sc.(Osteo); Grad. Cert. Tert. Ed. COCA member.
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Melanie has had extensive experience in Osteopathic clinical practice, education, training, and accreditation since graduating from Victoria University with a Bachelor of Science and Masters in Health Science in 2000. She is a Board Director of the Australian Osteopathic Accreditation Council (AOAC), a member of the Professional Reference Group (PRG) for the Review of Accreditation Standards for Osteopathy Programs in Australia, and she is an Approved Panel Member for the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Melanie was also a developer, lecturer and clinical educator at Victoria University’s Osteopathy program and has been engaged by private practice in clinical education and supporting roles for osteopathic graduates and other allied health professionals.
The common theme throughout all of Melanie’s roles is “the people, or the patient”, which drives her philosophy that every ‘body’ is an individual who deserves time, empathy and respect. Problem solving and getting to the cause of the issue for every patient is very rewarding for her as this is what helps to improve the condition and aims to prevent reoccurrence. Creating long-term health solutions for patients is paramount.
Osteopathy assesses and treats the biomechanics of the body as a whole – in other words, the way the bones, joints, soft tissues, nerves and vessels all work together. By using hands-on techniques such as massage, articulation, stretching and manipulation, Osteopathy aims to address headaches, neck and back pain, sports injuries, musculoskeletal pain and restriction; arthritic pain and restriction; repetitive strain injuries; pregnancy related pain and many other musculoskeletal conditions throughout every stage of life. Treatment for all ages.
Osteopathy compliments all the therapies that are available at Ranges Integrative Health, and this team-approach to care is invaluable to long-term good health.
Consultation fees:
New patients $150
Follow up $105
Concession $95